Do you procrastinate?
Of course you do. We all do. We procrastinate about all sorts of things from exercise, to making those phone calls, to going on that date, to starting our new diet, cleaning the bathroom and all sorts of things. It is normal, but it is slowing down or maybe even crushing your dreams.
Find out how to stop that procrastination right now, do the things that may be scary or you are not sure of RIGHT NOW and watch what happens to your life.
Do not procrastinate about watching this video. Do it right now and then go do ONE thing that you have being putting off for a long time immediately after. You will feel invincible.
For me I had to be courageous, I had to learn new things, I had to be organised and exercise really works for me. Check out the video and let me know how you overcome procrastination.
Look forward to your comments.
Aaron Byerlee.