I talk to Entrepreneurs and Network Marketers every single day. I love being able to work with who I want and hang out with like minded people every day. These days it is very easy to tell who is the real deal and who is a pretender. I obviously put my time into those that are the real deal. The results always speak for themselves.
You can do a quick check here to see if you are the real deal or a pretender and how to pick one. This can apply to anyone in business of any kind.
If you are serious about creating full time and rock star income in the Network Marketing industry then you will want to make sure you behave with the real deal habits when it comes to building your business.
So are you going to struggle in Network Marketing or never reach your full potential or go from one company to another as a pretender with pretender habits or are you going to be the Real Deal and reach rock star income in no time at all with Real Deal habits? The more professionals we have in the industry the better the name of the industry, the better the performance of the industry and the bigger your income will be. Study the Real Deal form, apply it and let it become habit. When you meet a pretender just say “Next” and put your energy and coaching into real deal people and helping others become THE REAL DEAL. You will be living the Deck Chair Millionaire lifestyle in no time at all. It is where you want to be, trust me 🙂
See you on the beaches of the world.
Aaron Byerlee.