No matter what business you are in you need to review where you are going, how you are going and what changes need to be made on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. We certainly do a lot of regular testing, measuring and reviewing in our businesses. Once a year we like to go somewhere luxurious to do our yearly review in style. Two years ago we did Bintan Island, Malaysia, last year was Noosa and this is Greece/USA.
Each time we do the big review we always come up with some fantastic light bulb moments, clarity, direction, vision and reset the business goals. It is always very productive. Of course we have a lot of fun as well and I think it is very important to celebrate your successes.
Check out the short video below to find out how our 2010 review can benefit you. I hope you jump on the Adventure with us so that I can share everything with you. This will lead up to our MASSIVE Â launch news which you won’t want to miss. Make sure you are part of our exclusive list by entering your name and email below.
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